Book Summary

*NEW* Fire!!   a small town's volunteer fire department is called upon to help in a search and rescue operation for a forest service spotter plane that crashed in the middle of a forest, close to their town, complications arise when the search area is located directly in line with a rapidly advancing forest fire.

Lost Pine Lake   is the story of the conflicts that develop between two brothers that grew up during recession times in Chicago and moved to Northern Minnesota to create their wealth during WWII and the expansion of the iron-ore mines. 

The Outbreak   is an adventure story about the discovery of a virus that is discovered in a lake by a university student that is studying the differences between a lake and a pond's migration characteristics.

The Cryptologist   is a mystery novel involving the discovery of some rare coins on the bottom of a lake.  The action leads to a mysterous code left by a master cryptologist for his family to solve.

The Ship   is a mystery novel involving murder, smuggling and espionage.  The action moves from intrigue to internation problem solving.

Meadow House  an action packed historical fiction written about the town of Marine on the St. Croix, Minnesota.  A high school assignment leads to the discovery of unknown facts about the community.

The Lost Jewels  a long lost family letter from a forgotten relative indicates the possibility of a robbery and murder.  The letter leads a young history teacher on a mission to invistigate her family's hidden past.

The Spot on the Wall is a mystery novel involving kidnapping, murder, and surveillance as a development crew attempts to use their new technologies.

Water Pressure  a mystery novel centered around water resources, involving murder, and romance involving a news crew and their discoveries. 

Bayfield's Secret Notebook is a  historical fiction that takes the reader to the end of the Civil War and an attempt to return gold to England. 

Secret of the Apostle Islands is a mystery novel involving romance, murder, espionage, and treasure hunting on Lake Superior. 

Search and Seizure  an adventure mystery novel involving espionage, national security, and deception. 

Youth Books:

The Hidden Passage and The Second Summer are novels written for teenagers who want a book emphasized on adventure.  The books are written in a style that makes it easier for non-readers to follow the context.

Tales from a River's Bend is a historical fiction novel that incorporates history of the Mississippi River and traveling down river on a paddleboat.  Appropriate for all ages.

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